Archive for the ‘Announcements’ Category

It’s been a long, looong time coming, but I’ve finally had time to sit down and get all of my projects to date listed on my Portfolios page. You know how you miss getting one thing done, and then another thing, and before you know it, there are 50 things you have to do? At that point, it seems like such a daunting task that you put it off even more, which of course doesn’t help! Well, that’s where I’ve been…but I’m here now, and it’s done!

Here’s a rundown of all the new items:

Whew!! Thanks for hanging in there!

Filed under Announcements, Social Networking Themes on May 29th, 2009 at 8:00pm

I’ve expanded my services to include custom themes for social networking websites such as Twitter and MySpace! The cost for each theme will depend on the site it will be used on (some sites only allow simple changes, while others can be very complex) as well as whether or not custom graphics will need to be created for the project.

You can see a few examples of themes I’ve done so far by visiting my Portfolios page.

Filed under Announcements, Full Websites, Site Launch on July 18th, 2007 at 11:45pm

My very own website development and graphic design site is finished (or as finished as a website ever is) and is now available for public consumption!

It contains some examples of my latest and greatest work and outlines the various services I offer, such as:

  • Full website design
  • Website graphics
  • Webmaster services
  • Custom templates
  • Promotional materials
  • Logo merchandise

…and more!

As always, I welcome any and all feedback, and please keep me in mind for your website and graphics needs. 🙂